Get Radio Active!

What makes you think a Ham lives here?What makes you think a Ham lives here?

CQ CQ CQ,,,,

Calling all Hams,,,,,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 We are currently seeking information from LOARC members and other Hams in the Lake Area regarding their recent and or upcoming activities related to Amateur Radio to post on this site, to inform and enrich the lives of other hams and those who find their way to this website.

This information can be things like a new antenna that you’ve built, a new antenna configuration that you’re trying out and your results, a new piece of equipment you’ve gotten at a great price or that you just want to share with the group, and where we might find one,

Or maybe a QSO that you’ve recently participated in or one that is upcoming that you will be participating in and information about it.
Any photos that you’ve taken and wish to share, such as photos taken at different stages of a build, your narration of the project and the finished item will go a long way in bringing your project etc… to life.

I have a personal request for your stories of memorable contacts, events, or adventures related to Amateur Radio.  I know some of you who have been around a while have some great stories to share.

We also want to share other information regarding Hams in the news, such as helping in a rescue, assisting in an emergency, or some unusual feat of communications.

Basically we want to let the Amateur Radio community know that we’re alive and kick’n, encourage other hams to get active, and inspire visitors to join the Amateur Radio community.

Your participation is greatly appreciated, and I’m sure will be appreciated by site visitors.

See You On The Radio!  73!

Please send your information to Ron at [email protected]                                                                                                                       Call or Text:  573-932-4374